WINSOR & NEWTON™ | promarker watercolour™ marker sets — basic tones

These metal box sets contain assortments of basic-toned, double-ended watercolour markers. They were designed especially for the fine art market with a high content of top-quality pigments. More
RRP £ 25.30
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Code 60465 
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6 markers
RRP £ 25.30
£ 21.60

Code 60466 
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12 markers
RRP £ 48.35
£ 40.80

WINSOR & NEWTON™ promarker watercolour™ marker basic tones sets allow artists to achieve unsurpassed precision with watercolour. They are presented in lightweight metal tins.

The markers are double ended with a fine tip and a flexible brush tip. allowing for sweeping lines as well as fine details.

WINSOR & NEWTON™ promarker watercolour™ markers are water-based. They were designed especially for the fine art market with a high content of top-quality pigments. They not only provide exceptional colour and superb levelling and mixing qualities, but are also highly resistant and durable. These markers can be used with water to create colour gradients, and can be combined with all other traditional watercolours and mediums. Beautiful effects are created when mixed with water. Thanks to the high-quality pigments, your work will not fade.

Product features of the WINSOR & NEWTON™ promarker watercolour™ basic tones sets at a glance:

  • assortments of fine / brush tip markers
  • highest precision
  • high pigment content
  • water-based
  • excellent colour qualities
  • outstanding gradient and mixing qualities

The following WINSOR & NEWTON™ promarker watercolour™ marker basic tones sets are available:

  • 60465 - 6 marker set contains: lemon yellow ○ alizarin crimson hue ○ Prussian blue hue ○ sap green ○ yellow ochre ○ ivory black.

  • 60466 - 12 marker set contains all the colours from the set of 6, plus: lemon yellow hue ○ dioxazine violet ○ cerulean blue hue ○ hookers green deep ○ burnt umber ○ cadmium red hue.

Price per set.

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