What is new online

Simplified navigation

A new, streamlined design and more clearly defined categorisation make our online catalogue even easier to browse!


Your customer account, just a click away

Your account gives you complete control,  allowing you to change your password and personal details, store multiple delivery addresses, manage your newsletter preferences and wishlists, and view your previous orders with the greatest of ease!

Our most effective search engine

Our new search engine will allow you to find products by keyword or product code. We'll also suggest relevant keywords and categories for each search.

When you search by product code, you'll be directed straight its product page, but will also be able to retrieve product information documents, or relevant articles from the GreatArt magazine.

Optimised Filters

Making your selection has never been easier! We've added the option to filter our products by their different characteristics as well as their popularity, name and price. So now you can easily find all the products that meet your criteria.

You'll find all the available filters on the left hand side of your search results, and in our product categories.

Fully Adaptable

You newly developed greatart.co.uk website is completely adaptable to most smartphones and tablets on the market. It's the best time to try GreatArt on the go!

Your most recently viewed articles, one click away

Retrieve your browsing history in a single click at the buttom right corner, and access previously viewed items easily!

What do other artists enjoy?

If you're interested in a particular product, you can now see what other artists have purchased to compliment it!

At the bottom of each product page we now show you what other customers who have bought this item have also purchased. You might want to consider these items for your order.

Review products

We want to hear what you think! Log into your customer account and you can leave a review and star rating on products you've purchased. 

You can also see what other artists thought when you're considering a new purchase.

Secure shopping

Protecting your information is one of our priorities. Your payment is 100% secure, and the green navigation bar ensures all your data is encrypted, for safe, stress-free browsing and shopping.

Join our social networks and share with others

Get involved with our online community of artists on your favourite social networks.

Find out about exclusive competitions, events, and offers, and share them with your friends. You can also stay up to date with the free workshops and residency artists at GreatArt London!