Varaform is ideally suited to designing masks, set designs, theatrical scenery etc. and for all modelling purposes. It is made from a natural cotton impregnated with a thermoplastic resin. It is available as a coarse or fine fabric and is reuseable.
Varaform can be softened in hot water and then placed on the object to be moulded, it will remain workable for 2-3 minutes and will then need reheating. It is biodegradable, non-toxic and eco-friendly. Varaform coarse is suitable for structure work or support, and Varaform fine is perfect for finishing and details. Rolls of Varaform measure 45 x 60cm. The completed structure will accept most paints and coatings e.g. acrylic or latex, which can be applied by brush or spray-painted, and decorative fabrics, leather etc. can be applied using spray adhesive or a glue gun.
N.B. Do not use Varaform for mouldings of the human face/body as it will burn, however heated Varaform can be worked with bare hands.
Price per roll.