Talens | Rectified Turpentine — 75 ml

Talens | Rectified Turpentine — 75 ml

This medium makes oil paints lean. It should only be used in the lower layers of your painting. It is also suitable for thinning paints and varnishes. More
RRP £ 8.65
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Code 33013
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Talens | Rectified Turpentine — 75 ml, 75ml

Talens Rectified Turpentine makes oil paint lean. It should only be used in the lower layers. It is also suitable for thinning paints and varnishes.

This Talens Rectified Turpentine can also be used to dissolve dry varnish layers and dissolve natural resins, and for cleaning paintbrushes and other artistic equipment. It is sold in 75 ml bottles.

Price per bottle.

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