Schmincke | Varnish Remover 060 — 60 ml bottle

Schmincke | Varnish Remover 060 — 60 ml bottle

This professional use varnish remover is an important restorative for removing varnish on old paintings. The high quality solvent should be used with great care. More
RRP £ 12.12
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Code 23550
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Schmincke | Varnish Remover 060 — 60 ml bottle, 60 ml bottle

Schmincke Varnish Remover 060 is an important restorative. Varnish on old paintings becomes milky and cloudy over time, obscuring the image - to remove it safely without damaging the painting requires a high quality solvent and great care!

The Schmincke Varnish Remover 060 is a much more aggressive solvent than turpentine oil and can therefore also soften hard-to-dissolve paint and colour layers. It must be used sparingly to stop inadvertent penetration into deeper layers of paint. Schmincke Varnish Remover 060 is sold in 60 ml bottles. It is a clear liquid which contains alcohol, acetone and white spirit - do not inhale, and use respiratory protection during use. Flammable.

Price per bottle.

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