Schmincke | Soft Pastel sets — cardboard boxes

These soft pastel sets are supplied in sturdy cardboard boxes with foam inserts to protect the pastels from breakage. These handmade pastels are of the highest quality and contain only the finest artists' pigments in the highest concentrations. More
RRP £ 42.19
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Code 34222 
Ready for shipping
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210: 10 pastels - assorted
RRP £ 42.19
£ 33.75

Code 34223 
Ready for shipping
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215: 15 pastels - assorted
RRP £ 63.58
£ 50.86

Code 34224 
Ready for shipping
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230: 30 pastels - assorted
RRP £ 126.02
£ 100.82

Code 34227 
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415: 15 pastels - portrait
RRP £ 63.58
£ 50.86

The Schmincke Soft Pastel sets come in sturdy cardboard boxes with the pastels protected from breakage by foam inserts.

These handmade pastels are of the highest quality and contain only the finest artists' pigments in the highest concentrations. The binder content in Schmincke Soft Pastels is uniquely low which guarantees incredibly strong colours and the highest lightfastness.

The following Schmincke Soft Pastel sets are available:

  • 10 assorted pastels (210) - White ○ Genuine yellow light 2 ○ Orange light ○ Permanent red light 1 ○ Scarlet ○ Ultramarine deep ○ May green ○ Gold ochre ○ van Dyck brown ○ Cold grey

  • 15 assorted pastels (215) - Genuine lemon yellow 1 ○ Genuine yellow dark 3 ○ Brown ochre ○ van Dyck brown ○ English red ○ Vermilion ○ Madder lake ○ Violet deep ○ Cobalt blue ○ Ultramarine deep ○ May Green (M) ○ May Green (D) ○ White ○ Cold grey ○ Deep black

  • 30 assorted pastels (230) - Genuine yellow light 2 ○ Genuine yellow dark 3 ○ Orange light ○ Orange dark ○ Permanent red light 1 ○ Scarlet ○ Permanent red dark 3 ○ Madder lake ○ Quinacridone ○ Purple 1 ○ Prussian blue ○ Ultramarine dark ○ Cobalt Blue (M) ○ Blueish green ○ Cold green 1 ○ Leaf green 2 ○ May green ○ Olive green 1 ○ Leaf green deep ○ Neutral grey ○ Cobalt blue (O) ○ Grey blue 1 ○ Cold grey ○ van Dyck brown ○ Burnt green earth ○ Burnt Sienna ○ Gold ochre ○ Light ochre ○ Flesh ochre ○ Caput mortuum light

  • 15 portrait pastels (415) - Gold ochre (D) ○ Flesh ochre ○ Gold ochre (O) ○ Terra Pozzuoli (O) ○ Terra Pozzuoli (H) ○ Burnt Sienna ○ English red ○ Vermilion ○ Rose madder ○ Blueish violet ○ Genuine lemon yellow 1 ○ Bohemian green ○ Grey green 1 ○ van Dyck brown ○ Walnut brown

TIP! To fix your pastel paintings spray sparingly with a special pastel fixative.

Price per set.

Stock availability online does not reflect availability in-store.
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