Schmincke | Medium W 043 — for water mixability

This oil painting medium is available in both liquid and gel formats. It makes your oil colours water-soluble, and is therefore an ideal alternative to ready-to-use water-mixable oil colours. More
RRP £ 9.50
incl. VAT | Delivery Information.
These products are restricted to those over 18 years of age and you will be requested to provide proof of ID ... More These products are restricted to those over 18 years of age and you will be requested to provide proof of ID or to use a credit card with your name to purchase this item
Code 33227 
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60 ml bottle
RRP £ 11.86
1 l: £ 158.17
£ 9.49

Code 33228 
Not in stock.
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200 ml bottle
RRP £ 23.62
1 l: £ 94.50
£ 18.90

Code 33229 
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1 litre can
RRP £ 61.37
£ 52.16

Code 34331 
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35 ml tube -- gel
RRP £ 9.50
1 l: £ 217.14
£ 7.60

Code 34332 
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120 ml tube - gel
RRP £ 22.32
1 l: £ 148.83
£ 17.86

Schmincke Medium W 043 can be mixed with oil colours in place of turpentine or turpentine substitute to make your colours water-soluble. It increases gloss and transparency and evens out drying times.

This Schmincke Medium W 043 is low odour and allows painting tools to be cleaned with water after use. It is an ideal alternative to ready-to-use water-mixable oil colours. Schmincke Medium W 043 is available in both liquid and gel form, in various bottle, can and tube sizes.

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