Schmincke | Coarse Acrylic Modelling Paste 542 — for spatula techniques

This coarse acrylic modelling paste is white and has a firm, pasty consistency. The surface structure makes it ideal for granulation techniques. It is ideal for structural designs on rigid supports. More
RRP £ 17.59
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Code 43593
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Schmincke | Coarse Acrylic Modelling Paste 542 — for spatula techniques, 300 ml

Schmincke Coarse Acrylic Modelling Paste 542 is a white acrylic paste with a firm, pasty consistency that dries with a coarse texture, ideal for structural modelling designs, especially on rigid surfaces such as primed wood.

The surface structure makes it ideal for granulation techniques. This Schmincke Coarse Acrylic Modelling Paste 542 is available in various tub sizes.

Price per tub.

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