ROYAL TALENS | van Gogh watercolour paints — metal box sets

These half pan sets contain assortments of intermixable, lightfast, bright watercolours that contan no heavy metals. The sets also include a synthetic brush. More
RRP £ 58.05
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Code 29507 
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12 half-pans
RRP £ 58.05
£ 52.25

Code 29508 
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24 half-pans
RRP £ 89.75
£ 80.80

These ROYAL TALENS van Gogh Watercolour metal box sets contain half-pans of intermixable, lightfast, bright watercolour paints, with no heavy metals, as well as size 3 or size 6 synthetic hair brushes.

The following ROYAL TALENS van Gogh Watercolour metal box sets are available:

  • 29507 = 12 half-pan set, containing: Permanent lemon yellow ○ Azo yellow medium ○ Permanent red light ○ Madder lake dark ○ Cobalt blue ultramarine ○ Dark ultramarine ○ Permanent green ○ Chrome oxide green bright ○ Ochre yellow ○ Burnt Sienna ○ Payne's grey ○ Chinese white.

  • 29508 = 24 half-pan set containing: Permanent lemon yellow ○ Prussian blue ○ Azo yellow light ○ Sap green ○ Azo yellow dark ○ Permanent green ○ Vermilion red ○ Hookers green dark ○ Permanent red dark ○ Chrome oxide green bright ○ Madder lake dark ○ Yellow ochre ○ Quinacridone rose ○ Burnt Sienna ○ Cobalt blue ultramarine ○ Burnt umber ○ Dark ultramarine ○ Sepia ○ Permanent orange ○ Permanent red light ○ Phthalo blue ○ Payne's grey ○ Chinese white.

Price per set.

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