Rohrer & Klingner Etching Ground Caps

These Rohrer & Klingner Etching Ground Caps are available in either black or transparent. They are easily meltable and can be dissolved in turpentine More
Code 38289 
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£ 7.39

Code 38291 
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£ 7.39

These Rohrer & Klingner Etching Ground Caps are available in either black or transparent. They are easily meltable and can be dissolved in turpentine

Rohrer & Klingner Etching Ground Caps - Black are suitable for most etchings. The material can be spread thinly and evenly over the plate after softening with a leather roller or swab.

Rohrer & Klingner Etching Ground Caps - Transparent are for etching on plates on which there is already a drawing that should remain visible through the ground. Processing is the same as for the black caps.

Price per cap.

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