R&F® HANDMADE PAINTS Pigment Stick® sets each contain 6 x 38 ml sticks of oil paint with enough wax for the paint to be moulded into stick form. The sticks allow you to paint directly onto a surface without brushes, palettes etc.
These Pigment Sticks® contain only the basic traditional materials: natural wax, linseed oil, and pigment. The result is an oil stick with a lipstick soft consistency. They can be used on any surface suitable for use with traditional tube oil paints e.g. stretched canvas, paper, plywood, metal, glass etc. When thoroughly dry, your work can be varnished just as you would an oil painting.
R&F® HANDMADE PAINTS Pigment Sticks® are excellent as stand-alone painting and drawing tools. They are a wonderful bridge between drawing and painting and their very nature causes artists to loosen up, use more colour, and be spontaneous and gestural. Their immediacy, and mark-making ability afford an endless range of options.
Benefits of working with these R&F® HANDMADE PAINTS Pigment Sticks®:
- they can be thinned with turpentine or mineral spirits.
- they can be worked with mediums by dipping them into stand oil, linseed oil, alkyd mediums, or resin gels.
- they can be mixed alongside tube oils or used to draw over dried oil paintings.
- they can be manipulated with a paint knife until the paint is a buttery consistency, so that it can be brushed or knifed onto the surface. This method can be used to mix colours on the palette or in the painting.
TIP! R&F Blending Medium and Blending Sticks are essentially Pigment Sticks® without pigment. They are ideal for glazing colours, can be worked directly into a colour to increase its transparency, or used to blend colours together on the surface.
The following R&F® HANDMADE PAINTS Pigment Stick® sets are available:
- 36576 = Introductory, containing: Naples yellow ○ cadmium green pale ○ King’s blue ○ Turkey red ○ Turkey umber greenish ○ neutral white.
- 36578 = Chromatic tones, containing: brilliant yellow extra pale ○ green gold pale ○ scarlet extra pale ○ celadon green ○ ultramarine blue pale ○ cerulean grey.
- 36579 = Earth tones, containing: neutral white ○ unbleached titanium ○ brown pink ○ stil de grain ○ green earth ○ Blue ochre.
Price per set.