Pelikan Student Watercolour Set

Pelikan student watercolour set, containing 12 or 24 pans of pure, high quality watercolour shades, with good colour density and fade resistance. More
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Code 29495 
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£ 28.48

Code 29496 
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£ 42.02

Pelikan student watercolour set, containing 12 or 24 pans of pure, high quality watercolour shades, with good colour density and fade resistance.

The 12-pan set includes the following colours: Lamp Black, Carmine Red, Vermilion, Real Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Violet, Prussian Blue, Ultramarine, Blue Green, Yellow Green, Burnt Sienna and Natural Umber.

The 24-pan set includes the following colours: Lamp Black, Carmine Red, Vermilion, Real Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Violet, Prussian Blue, Ultramarine, Blue Green, Yellow Green, Burnt Sienna, Natural Umber, Paynes Grey, Flesh Colour, Indian Red, Real Red, Orange, Lemon, Indian Yellow, Cobalt Blue, Turquoise Blue, French Green, Chrome Oxide Green and Van Dyke Brown.

Price per set.

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