MAIMERI | MaimeriBlu Superior Watercolour — 12 half pans set

This black metal tin set contains 12 half pans of superior watercolour, which offers uncompromising quality and incomparable transparency. The monopigmented colours are transparent, clear and luminous. More
RRP £ 69.95
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Code 37072
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Immerse yourself in the world of MAIMERI MaimeriBlu Superior Watercolour! The watercolour paints stand for uncompromising quality and incomparable transparency. With 90 single-pigment colours, MAIMERI offers a palette of exceptional purity.

Each MaimeriBlu colour is formulated to meet the highest standards of pigment purity and quality. The perfection and purity of the colours allow for an unlimited number of glazes. Layer by layer, sharp and flawless tonal overlays are created, imbuing your work with unrivalled depth and expressiveness.

The perfectly concentrated pigments ensure the transparency and luminosity of each colour. The pigments are embedded in a perfectly balanced mixture of natural cordofan gum arabic and glycerine, which complement each other. This combination guarantees stable adhesion in both dry and wet conditions and ensures that exactly the right amount of colour penetrates the surface.

Product features of MAIMERI MaimeriBlu Superior Watercolours at a glance:

  • complete colour palette consists of one-pigment colours
  • transparent, clear and luminous
  • natural cordofan gum arabic as a binding agent
  • no mixing powders or additives

The MAIMERI MaimeriBlu Superior Watercolour 12 half pan set contains the following colours:

  • 061 Pyrrhole orange ○ 084 Cadmium yellow deep ○ 134 Golden ochre ○ 161 Raw Sienna ○ 226 Cadmium red light ○ 278 Burnt Sienna ○ 316 Cobalt green light ○ 333 Green gold ○ 372 Cobalt blue ○ 441 Ultramarine blue ○ 493 Raw umber ○ 560 Neutral tint

MaimeriBlu is manufactured with care using traditional artisan methods at every stage of production and is subject to individual controls. The pigments are processed in special grinding machines whose settings are precisely adjusted to achieve the ideal balance between fine grain size (5 microns) and colour purity.

Price per set.

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