Mabef Custodia M23 Portable Field Easel

Mabef Custodia M23 portable field easel, 60cmx1.10mx1.85m, with a 22.5cmx2.5cm shelf, adjustable height and angle and an extendable centre pole, weighing 5kg, and suitable for canvases up to 85cm high and 8kg in weight. More
RRP £ 430.00
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Code 23273
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Mabef Custodia M23 portable field easel, 60cmx1.10mx1.85m, with a 22.5cmx2.5cm shelf, adjustable height and angle and an extendable centre pole, weighing 5kg, and suitable for canvases up to 85cm high and 8kg in weight.

This Mabef Custodia M23 portable field easel measures 16cmx30cmx56cm when folded and can be converted into a drafting table. It is excellent for outdoor painting in oil or watercolour, and comes complete with a leather handle, carrier straps and a pull-out storage compartment for art supplies.

Price per easel.

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