LYRA | REMBRANDT-POLYCOLOUR Wooden Box — comprehensive set

This comprehensive wooden box set would make a really lovely gift. It contains everything a drawing / sketching artists could need. More
RRP £ 367.25
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Code 27506
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This LYRA REMBRANDT-POLYCOLOUR Wooden Box set would make a lovely gift idea. It contains everything you could need for sketching and drawing.

This comprehensive set contains 68 REMBRANDT-POLYCOLOUR artists' colour pencils, 10 REMBRANDT-POLYCOLOUR artists' grey shades pencils, 22 REMBRANDT drawing pencils, 1 x K20 kneadable eraser, 1 eraser knife, 2 x K10 paper blending sticks and 1 x K10 emery board.

LYRA REMBRANDT-POLYCOLOUR pencils are top quality artists' pencils, ideal for all artists, designers and architects. The oil-based lead is lightfast and water-resistant, and features excellent blending and layering qualities.

This LYRA REMBRANDT-POLYCOLOUR Wooden Box set contains the following colours:

  • Coloured pencils: White ○ Straw yellow ○ Zinc yellow ○ Cadmium lemon ○ Light chrome yellow ○ Lemon ○ Cadmium dark ○ Chrome yellow dark ○ Orange ○ Saturn red ○ Vermilion ○ Scarlet dark ○ Geranium light ○ Carmine pink ○ Dark carmine ○ Light carmine ○ Purple pink ○ Madder pink ○ Peach rose dark ○ Peach rose medium ○ Peach rose light ○ Bordeaux ○ Carmoisine ○Purple reddish ○ Purple ○ Blue violet ○ Violet dark ○ Violet light ○ Delft blue ○ Cobalt dark ○ Cobalt light ○ Smalt blue ○ Light blue ○ Mountain blue ○ Oriental blue ○ Ultramarine dark ○ Prussian blue ○ Peacock blue ○ Turquoise ○ Night green ○ Sea green ○ Hooker's green ○ Viridian ○ French green ○ Sap green ○ Juniper green ○ Meadow green ○ Moss green ○ May green ○ Light green ○ Green earth ○ Olive green ○ Cedar green ○ Sepia dark ○ van Dyck brown ○ Umber ○ Brown ochre ○ Golden ochre ○ Raw Sienna ○ Naples yellow ○ Burnt ochre ○ Cinnamon brown ○ Venetian red ○ Pompeian red ○ Indian red ○ Burnt carmine ○ Red violet ○ Black

  • Special pencils: 3 x Sanguine oil pencils 2 red-brown ○ 3 x Sanguine oil-free pencils 2 red-brown ○ Sepia oil-free pencil light brown ○ Sepia oil-free pencil dark brown ○ White chalk oil-free pencil 1 soft ○ White chalk oil-free pencil 2 medium ○ Black chalk oil-free pencil 2 medium ○ Charcoal oil-free pencil 1 soft ○ Charcoal oil-free pencil 2 medium ○ Charcoal oil-free pencil 3 hard ○ Carbon oil pencil 1 soft ○ Carbon oil pencil 2 medium ○ Carbon oil pencil 3 hard ○ Carbon oil pencil 4 extra hard ○ Carbon oil pencil 5 special hard ○ Graphite watercolour pencil HB ○ Graphite Watercolour pencil 4B ○ Graphite Watercolour pencil 8B

  • Shades of grey: Light grey cold ○ Silver grey cold ○ Medium grey ○ Dark grey ○ Light grey warm ○ Silver grey warm ○ Medium grey warm ○ Dark grey warm ○ Black soft ○ Black hard

Price per set.

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