LYRA REMBRANDT-AQUARELL Watercolour Pencil sets are presented in metal boxes and contain assortments of high quality watercolour pencils. These pencils are perfect for colouring, blending and effects.
The individual colours are highly pigmented and have optimal water-soluble properties. The lead diameter is 4 mm. The brilliance and lightfastness of the colours meet all professional requirements.
The following LYRA REMBRANDT-AQUARELL Watercolour Pencil sets are available:
- 27981 = 12 pencils in: White 001 ○ Lemon yellow 007 ○ Orange 013 ○ Geranium light 021 ○ Carmine dark 026 ○ Light blue 047 ○ Prussian blue 051 ○ Permanent green 067 ○ Stil de grain 070 ○ van Dyck brown 076 ○ Venetian red 090 ○ Black 099
- 27982 = 24 pencils in the colours above, plus: Cadmium yellow lemon 005 ○ Cadmium yellow deep 008 ○ Saturn red 015 ○ Carmine rose 024 ○ Cobalt blue light 044 ○ Cerulean blue 048 ○ Midnight green 055 ○ Chrome green 068 ○ Sepia dark 075 ○ Gold ochre 083 ○ Burnt ochre 087 ○ Pompeian Red 091
- 27983 = 36 pencils in the colours above, plus: Chrome yellow deep 009 ○ Cinnabar 017 ○ Carmine light 027 ○ Blue violet 037 ○ Viridian 061 ○ Olive green 073 ○ Natural umber 080 ○ Brown ochre 082 ○ Raw Sienna 084 ○ Guards Red 092 ○ Light grey cold 095 ○ Medium grey cold 097
- 27984 = 72 pencils in the colours above, plus: Light yellow 002 ○ Zinc yellow 004 ○ Chrome yellow light 006 ○ Scarlet deeo 018 ○ Crimson pink 028 ○ Madder lake pink 029 ○ Peach rose deep 030 ○ Peach rose medium 031 ○ Peach rose light 032 ○ Bordeaux 033 ○ Dark magenta 034 ○ Violet reddish 035 ○ Violet deep 036 ○ Violet 038 ○ Violet light 039 ○ Delft blue 041 ○ Dark cobalt blue 043 ○ Smalt blue 046 ○ Orient blue 049 ○ Ultramarine deep 050 ○ Turquoise deep 053 ○ Turquoise light 054 ○ Mineral green 058 ○ Hookers green 059 ○ French green 062 ○ Emerald green 063 ○ Juniper green 065 ○ Light green 071 ○ Green earth 072 ○ Sap green 074 ○ Naples yellow 085 ○ Mars red 089 ○ Burnt carmine 093 ○ Purple 094 ○ Silver grey cold 096 ○ Dark grey cold 098
Price per set.