LYRA | REMBRANDT Art Design set — 12 pencils

This set contains 12 high quality graphite pencils, one in each degree of hardness, presented in a metal box. The pencils are wood-cased and offer high breaking strength and an absolutely constant stroke. More
RRP £ 18.50
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Code 28000
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LYRA | REMBRANDT Art Design set — 12 pencils, 12 pencils

The LYRA REMBRANDT Art Design set contains 12 assorted graphite pencils presented in a metal box. These pencils are high-quality, wood-cased pencils with high breaking strength and an absolutely constant stroke.

The set contains one pencil in each available degree of hardness. This LYRA REMBRANDT Art Design set guarantees precise work for high demands in the areas of graphics, design, art and architecture.

Price per set.

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