LUKAS | Pure Balsam Distilled Turpentine 2210 — high quality

This thinner and brush cleaner is perfect for oil colours, painting mediums and varnishes. It can also be used as a solvent for mastics and dammar varnishes. More
RRP £ 11.80
incl. VAT | Delivery Information.
These products are restricted to those over 18 years of age and you will be requested to provide proof of ID ... More These products are restricted to those over 18 years of age and you will be requested to provide proof of ID or to use a credit card with your name to purchase this item
Code 20212 
Not in stock.
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125 ml bottle
RRP £ 11.80
1 l: £ 85.52
£ 10.69

Code 20213 
Ready for shipping
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1 litre can
RRP £ 44.25
£ 38.99

LUKAS Pure Balsam Distilled Turpentine 2210 is a thinner and brush cleaner for oil colours, painting mediums and varnishes. It can also be used as a solvent for mastics and dammar varnishes.

This LUKAS Pure Balsam Distilled Turpentine 2210 is especially high quality. It is available in bottles or cans.

Price per bottle / can.

Stock availability online does not reflect availability in-store.
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