LUKAS | Medium 5 Painting Butter Medium 2225 — tubes

This painting butter is used for making quick drying, highly elastic, creamy alkyd resin oil colours. It dries like „pure“ oil colour. It is insoluble in turpentine, and avoids cracking. More
RRP £ 5.45
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Code 20383 
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37 ml tube
RRP £ 5.45
1 l: £ 132.70
£ 4.91

Code 20285 
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200 ml tube
RRP £ 9.70
1 l: £ 43.65
£ 8.73

LUKAS Medium 5 Painting Butter Medium 2225 is a slightly yellowish medium for making quick drying, highly elastic, creamy alkyd resin oil colours. It dries like „pure“ oil colour.

The Painting Butter Medium 2225 is very heavy bodied and therefore gives extremely thick oil colours, accelerates drying, and avoids cracking.

This LUKAS Medium 5 Painting Butter Medium 2225 is non-yellowing. Once dry your paint layer will be resistant to turpentine.

TIPS! Close well after use. Paintings that are stored for long periods in the dark may show some slight yellowing especially in white areas. Light reverses this effect.

Price per tube.

Stock availability online does not reflect availability in-store.
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