This gel is thick, glossy and transparent. It enhances colour depth and increases transparency and flow of acrylic colours. It can also be used to create long streaking effects with your paint. More
RRP £ 20.40
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Code 27398 
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237 ml pot
RRP £ 20.40
1 l: £ 68.35
£ 16.20

Code 27399 
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473 ml pot
RRP £ 33.55
1 l: £ 52.96
£ 25.05

This Liquitex® PROFESSIONAL ACRYLIC MEDIUMS™ String Gel is thick, glossy and transparent. It is a self-levelling gel with a honey-like consistency which enhances colour depth and increases transparency and flow of acrylic colours.

If you pour or drip Liquitex® String Gel from above it produces long, string-like applications, and if you mix it with your paints and apply it with a brush it will create long streaking effects. This medium is permanent, non-yellowing, flexible and water-resistant when dry. It is available in 237 ml or 473 ml pots.

Price per pot.

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