LEFRANC & BOURGEOIS | Studio Watercolour Tube sets — 10 ml tubes

These sets contain assortments of high quality studio watercolours in 10 ml tubes. The paints are approved by watercolour teachers and are made for artists and students exploring the medium. More
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Code 63455 
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12 tubes
1 l: £ 89.58
£ 10.75

Code 63456 
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24 tubes
1 l: £ 84.17
£ 20.20

These LEFRANC & BOURGEOIS Studio Watercolour Tube sets are approved by watercolour teachers and are made for artists and students exploring the medium.

The high quality colours are perfect for mixing and superimposing, delivering excellent colouring power and transparency. They are great for achieving subtle tones and sweeping washes at school or at home.

The LEFRANC & BOURGEOIS Studio Watercolour Tube sets contain assortments of 10 ml tubes of bright, high quality studio-grade watercolour for a pleasant application and a good hold over time.

The following Lefranc & Bourgeois Studio Watercolour Tube sets are available:

  • 63455 = 12 x 10 ml tubes in lemon yellow ○ medium yellow ○ brilliant red ○ crimson ○ Prussian blue ○ ultramarine ○ permanent light green ○ viridian hue ○ burnt Sienna ○ raw umber ○ ivory black ○ Chinese white
  • 63456 = 24 x 10 ml tubes in lemon yellow ○ medium yellow ○ deep yellow ○ orange ○ red vermillion ○ brilliant red ○ ruby red ○ crimson ○ alizarin crimson hue ○ Prussian blue ○ phthalo blue ○ ultramarine ○ mineral blue ○ azure blue ○ warm green ○ permanent light green ○ viridian hue ○ earth green ○ yellow ochre ○ burnt Sienna ○ raw umber ○ grey ○ ivory black ○ Chinese white

Price per set.

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