LEFRANC & BOURGEOIS | Fine Watercolour Sets — half pans

These watercolours offer excellent colouring power and transparency. The sets contains assortments of half pans and a watercolour brush, in a durable metal case. More
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Code 63450 
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12 half pans
£ 24.70

Code 63451 
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24 half pans
£ 35.40

Code 63452 
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40 half pans
£ 52.95

These LEFRANC & BOURGEOIS Fine Watercolour Sets are ideal for the studio and outdoors. They feature selections of half pans, a durable and more sustainable metal case and a watercolour brush.

With excellent colouring power and transparency, these LEFRANC & BOURGEOIS Fine Watercolours are ideal for painting expressive washes and are for artists of all abilities. The case has a thumb ring for improved grip and two palettes for mixing on the go.

The following LEFRANC & BOURGEOIS Fine Watercolour Sets are available:

  • 63450 = 12 half pans (lemon yellow ○ cadmium yellow light ○ cadmium red ○ purple lake ○ ultramarine ○ intense blue ○ viridian ○ yellow ochre ○ raw Sienna ○ burnt umber ○ Payne’s grey ○ Chinese white), 1 x metal travel case (2 x palettes), 1 mini metal brush

  • 63451 = 24 half pans (lemon yellow ○ cadmium yellow light ○ cadmium orange ○ cadmium red ○ alizarin crimson ○ purple lake ○ dioxazine violet ○ cerulean blue ○ ultramarine ○ intense blue ○ Prussian blue ○ warm green ○ emerald ○ deep green ○ sap green ○ gamboge ○ yellow ochre ○ Indian red ○ raw Sienna ○ burnt Sienna ○ burnt umber ○ Payne’s grey ○ ivory black ○ Chinese white), 1 x metal travel case (2 x palettes), 1 Grey Squirrel Hair Brush No 8

  • 63452 = 40 half pans (lemon yellow ○ cadmium yellow light ○ gamboge yellow ○ cadmium yellow ○ cadmium orange ○ cadmium red pale ○ cadmium red ○ cadmium red deep ○ alizarin crimson ○ permanent rose ○ rose madder ○ purple lake ○ mauve ○ violet dioxazine ○ ultramarine ○ cobalt blue ○ cerulean blue ○ turquoise ○ intense blue ○ Prussian blue ○ warm green ○ viridian ○ emerald ○ green deep ○ leaf green ○ sap green ○ raw Sienna ○ yellow ochre ○ raw umber ○ burnt Sienna ○ light red ○ Indian red ○ burnt umber ○ van Dyck brown ○ sepia ○ indigo ○ Payne’s grey ○ ivory black ○ lamp black ○ Chinese white), 1 x metal travel case (2 x palettes), 1 Grey Squirrel Hair Brush No 8

Price per set.

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