Jaxon 1000 Oil Pastel Sets are assortments supplied in cardboard boxes. These pastels are larger pastels ideal for use by pre-school children and in nurseries, as well as by disabled people and in creative therapy.
Jaxon 1000 Oil Pastels adhere to virtually any support e.g. paper, card, plastic, wood, glass etc. They are tried and tested. They measure 68mm with a diameter of 18mm and offer bright, fade resistant, non-toxic colours.
The following Jaxon 1000 Oil Pastel Sets are available:
26833 (12 pastels): white, chrome yellow, fresh pink, rose madder, cinnabar, red, violet, cerulean blue, ultramarine, dark green, Van Dyke brown, black
26834 (24 pastels) - the colours above plus: pale pink, ochre, yellow orange, madder lake, rose pink, cobalt blue, cobalt green, green, yellow green, yellow grey, dark brown, grey
26835 (36 pastels) - the colours above plus: orange yellow, orange 3, russet, Prussian blue, scarlet, rose, flesh tone, burnt umber, burnt sienna, light blue, gold, silver
Price per set.