Hi-Build Artwork Resin Sets

These Hi-Build Artwork Resin Sets contain equal quantities of resin and hardener. The resin is a high viscosity, two part artwork resin that offers the benefits of 3D effects. More
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Code 60825 
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400g tester set
1 kg: £ 171.50
£ 68.60

Code 60826 
Ready for shipping
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2kg set
1 kg: £ 94.50
£ 189.00

Code 60827 
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4kg set
1 kg: £ 84.75
£ 339.00

These Hi-Build Artwork Resin Sets contain equal quantities of resin and hardener. The resin is a high viscosity, two part artwork resin that offers the benefits of 3D effects.

This resin is the thickest, most gloopy and controllable resin available on the market and is perfect for Blob Art, Dot Art, Geode Art & doming. Hi-Build Artwork Resin is non-hazardous and non-toxic, and contains the most up to date UV inhibitors/blockers. It is solvent free and odourless.

Hi-Build Artwork Resin is a two part epoxy resin which stays exactly where it is dropped without slumping or sliding. Simply mix in a 1:1 ratio and let it drip, drop or ooze off your spatula. The resin is an off white colour and therefore must be coloured with a suitable resin pigment e.g resi-TINT, resi-TINT MAX, resi-METAL etc.

N.B. Any bubbles created by hand mixing can be easily popped by using a sharp object or by passing warm air over the surface of the resin with a blowtorch or hot air dryer on slow speed settings.

The following Hi-Build Artwork Resin Sets are available:

  • 60825 = 400g tester set (200g resin, 200g hardener)
  • 60826 = 2kg set (1kg resin, 1kg hardener)
  • 60827 = 4kg set (2kg resin, 2kg hardener)

Price per set.

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