Herbin 1670 Anniversary Ink Gift Set

Herbin 1670 Anniversary Ink Gift Set

This Herbin 1670 Anniversary Ink Gift Set contains 5 x 10ml bottles with a hand-dipped wax seal cap. These inks are great for fountain pens and most writing instruments. More
RRP £ 44.17
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Code 63515
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This Herbin 1670 Anniversary Ink Gift Set contains 5 x 10ml bottles with a hand-dipped wax seal cap. These inks are great for fountain pens and most writing instruments.

Each ink is a highly saturated colour with added gold shimmer. Herbin 1670 Inks contain only entirely natural dyes which means they are neutral pH (non-acidic), fast-drying and lightfast.

  • This boxed Herbin 1670 Anniversary Ink Gift Set contains: Rouge Hematite (red), Stormy Grey (grey), Emerald of Chivor (teal green), Bleu Ocean (blue), and Caroube de Chypre (brown).

N.B. due to the amount of particulate in this ink used to achieve the sparking look, you may experience restricted ink flow in some of your pens. We recommend shaking the ink thoroughly before filling and gently rolling the pen in your hands often to keep the shimmer effect consistent. This will also help prevent clogging.

Price per set.

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