GOLDEN® | Black Gesso — 946 ml

GOLDEN® | Black Gesso — 946 ml

This black gesso can be mixed with white to achieve endless shades of grey. It is suitable for artists who want to paint on a rich, satin black ground. This high-quality, ready to use, black liquid primer, is ideal for use with acrylic paints. More
RRP £ 64.25
incl. VAT | Delivery Information.
Code 13-32167 
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GOLDEN® | Black Gesso — 946 ml, 946ml
RRP £ 64.25
1 l: £ 47.55
£ 44.98

Code 13-32906 
Ready for shipping
GOLDEN® | Black Gesso — 946 ml
RRP £ 170.00
1 l: £ 31.48
£ 119.00

Golden Black Gesso is suitable for artists who want to paint on a rich, satin black ground. It is a high-quality, ready to use, black liquid primer, ideal for use with acrylic paints on all normal supports.

This Golden Black Gesso can be mixed with white to achieve different shades of grey. It is sold in 946ml pots.

Price per pot.

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