Ecobra Fibreglass Eraser

This Ecobra Fibreglass Eraser is ideal for erasing on transparent and parchment paper, as well as for cleaning, polishing, sanding, roughening, deburring and removing rust from different surfaces. More
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Code 58239
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This Ecobra Fibreglass Eraser is ideal for erasing on transparent and parchment paper, as well as for cleaning, polishing, sanding, roughening, deburring and removing rust from different surfaces.

The Ecobra Fibreglass Eraser can be used on metal, plastic, ceramic, stone, concrete, wood, parquet, glass etc. It has a stable round metal tip. Included is a fibreglass brush, diameter 4mm x 40mm, which extends via a rotating mechanism.

Replacement brushes are available separately, please see item code 23198

Price per eraser.

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