DERWENT | WATERCOLOUR 72 pencils — wooden box set

This set contains 72 excellent watercolour pencils, presented in a stylish wooden box. The pencils have soft, smooth leads that work equally well whether used wet or dry. They combine the beauty of watercolour with the control of a pencil. More
RRP £ 275.99
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Code 46181
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DERWENT | WATERCOLOUR 72 pencils — wooden box set, 72 pencils

This DERWENT WATERCOLOUR pencil set contains 72 of these excellent watercolour pencils, presented in a stylish wooden box. The pencils combine the beauty of watercolour with the control of a pencil.

These pencils can be used wet or dry to create strong bright images or soft fine impressions and stunning effects. The leads are soft and smooth making them easy to use, and the colour strength is retained when used either wet or dry. Once the paint has dried, you can dissolve it again with water and paint again.

Key features of DERWENT WATERCOLOUR pencils at a glance:

  • can be used wet or dry
  • combines the control of a coloured pencil with the beauty of watercolours
  • ideal for mixed media work

This DERWENT WATERCOLOUR pencil set contains the following colours:

  • 020 Lemon cadmium ○ 030 Gold ○ 050 Straw yellow ○ 060 Deep cadmium ○ 080 Middle chrome ○ 100 Orange chrome ○ 120 Scarlet lake ○ 140 Deep vermilion ○ 160 Flesh pink ○ 170 Pink madder lake ○ 180 Rose pink ○ 200 Crimson lake ○ 220 Magenta ○ 230 Imperial purple ○ 250 Dark violet ○ 260 Light violet ○ 270 Blue violet lake ○ 290 Ultramarine ○ 320 Spectrum blue ○ 340 Sky blue ○ 350 Prussian blue ○ 360 Indigo ○ 380 Kingfisher blue ○ 410 Jade green ○ 420 Juniper green ○ 450 Mineral green ○ 460 Emerald green ○ 470 Grass green ○ 480 May green ○ 500 Cedar green ○ 510 Olive green ○ 520 Bronze ○ 530 Sepia ○ 540 Burnt umber ○ 550 van Dyck brown ○ 570 Brown ochre ○ 580 Raw Sienna ○ 590 Golden brown ○ 610 Copper beech ○ 630 Venetian red ○ 640 Terracotta ○ 660 Chocolate ○ 670 Ivory black ○ 680 Blue grey ○ 690 Gunmetal ○ 710 Silver grey ○ 720 Chinese white ○ 010 Zinc yellow ○ 040 Primrose yellow ○ 070 Naples yellow ○ 090 Deep chrome ○ 110 Spectrum orange ○ 130 Pale vermilion ○ 150 Geranium lake ○ 190 Madder carmine ○ 210 Rose madder lake ○ 240 Red violet lake ○ 280 Delft blue ○ 300 Smalt blue ○ 310 Cobalt blue ○ 330 Light blue ○ 370 Oriental blue ○ 390 Turquoise blue ○ 400 Turquoise green ○ 430 Bottle green ○ 440 Water green ○ 490 Sap green ○ 600 Burnt yellow ochre ○ 620 Burnt Sienna ○ 650 Burnt carmine ○ 700 French grey

Price per set.

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