DANIEL SMITH | EXTRA FINE™ WATERCOLOR — half pan metal box sets

These handy sets contain beautiful, hand-poured watercolour paints. The well-thought-out selection of colour tones allows you a wide range of design options. Comes in a robust metal box with a fold-out mixing palette. More
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Code 59131 
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12 half pans
£ 88.99

Code 59132 
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24 half pans
£ 169.00

These DANIEL SMITH EXTRA FINE™ WATERCOLOR half pan sets contain beautiful, hand-poured watercolour paints. The well-thought-out selection of colour tones allows you a wide range of design options.

Landscapes, urban motifs, mountains, fields and forests, floral and seasonal themes can be perfectly implemented with the colours in these DANIEL SMITH EXTRA FINE™ WATERCOLOR half pan sets. These professional artist quality paints contain the finest pigments and offer exceptional lightfastness. They can be easily removed.

Each watercolour box comes with a waterproof colour chart which gives you information about the appearance of the colour and its specific position in the box. The set of 12 offers space for adding 12 additional half pans, and the set of 24 includes an additional empty box that offers space for 24 half pans, making these sets ideal for artists who want to put together their own colour ranges.

The DANIEL SMITH EXTRA FINE™ WATERCOLOR half pan set of 12 (59131) contains the following colours:

  • Cadmium yellow medium hue ○ Quinacridone rose ○ Wisteria ○ Rose of ultramarine ○ Moonglow ○ Shadow violet ○ Phthalo blue (green shade) ○ Lavender ○ Cascade green ○ Serpentine genuine (PrimaTek watercolour) ○ Green Apatite Genuine (PrimaTek watercolour) ○ Quinacridone gold

The DANIEL SMITH EXTRA FINE™ WATERCOLOR half pan set of 24 (59132) contains the following colours:

  • Buff titanium ○ Hansa yellow light ○ Quinacridone gold ○ Hansa yellow deep ○ Pyrrole scarlet ○ Permanent alizarin crimson ○ Quinacridone rose ○ Ultramarine blue ○ Cerulean blue, chromium ○ Phthalo blue (green shade) ○ Cobalt turquoise ○ Phthalo green (blue shade) ○ Sap green ○ Perylene green ○ Undersea green ○ Raw sienna light ○ Yellow ochre ○ Goethite (Brown ochre) ○ Indian red ○ Quinacridone burnt orange ○ Burnt sienna ○ Burnt umber ○ Raw umber ○ Jane’s grey

The robust, black metal boxes have a white DANIEL SMITH logo printed on the top. The inside is covered with white enamel to facilitate cleaning with a soft cloth or paper towel. There is enough space between the rows of pans for storing a small brush. The integrated metal ring on the back enables the watercolour box to be held easily and securely in the hand. These DANIEL SMITH EXTRA FINE™ WATERCOLOR half pan sets would make lovely presents.

In the lid of the box there are 4 wells for mixing the colours. The fold-out mixing palette has 8 other smaller wells. In addition, 7 further recesses are worked into the bottom of the box. This gives you a total of 19 areas for mixing colours.

Price per set.

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