

This gloss glaze medium increases the flow properties and transparency of acrylic colours, and is particularly good with System 3 and Cryla acrylics. It is ideal for fine glazes that dry to a glossy film. More
RRP £ 12.25
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Code 20478
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DALER-ROWNEY | GLAZE MEDIUM — gloss, 250 ml jar

DALER-ROWNEY Gloss GLAZE MEDIUM is a white translucent cream that increases the flow properties and transparency of acrylic colours, and is particularly good with System 3 and Cryla acrylics.

The medium produces fine glazes that dry to a glossy film. Drying times are slowed down and transparency and gloss develop completely as soon as the colour has dried.

TIP! To achieve an ideal result, mix the DALER-ROWNEY Gloss GLAZE MEDIUM with the acrylic paint in a ratio of 1:9.

Price per jar.

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