DALER-ROWNEY | Aquafine travel sets — half pans

These vibrant watercolours can be mixed for endless creative possibilities. The travel sets contain assortments of half pans and a watercolour brush, and the metal boxes have thumb rings. More
RRP £ 18.95
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Code 60869 
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12 x half pans
RRP £ 18.95
£ 15.16

Code 60870 
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24 x half pans
RRP £ 36.50
£ 29.20

These DALER-ROWNEY Aquafine Travel Sets are perfect travel companions for every watercolour artist. These watercolours provide vibrant, free flowing, transparent colours which can be mixed for endless creative possibilities.

DALER-ROWNEY Aquafine Travel Sets are presented in compact metal cases featuring a thumb ring and detachable palette, and include a travel brush.

The following sets are available:

  • 60869 - 12 x 1/2 pans in: 651 Lemon yellow ○ 640 Gamboge hue ○ 503 Cadmium red hue ○ 515 Alizarin crimson hue ○ 110 Cobalt blue hue ○ 123 Ultramarine blue dark ○ 352 Hooker's green dark ○ 663 Yellow ochre ○ 667 Raw Sienna ○ 527 Light red ○ 221 Burnt Sienna ○ 065 Payne's grey.
  • 60870 - 24 x 1/2 pans in: 001 Chinese white ○ 651 Lemon yellow ○ 640 Gamboge (hue) ○ 620 Cadmium yellow (hue) ○ 619 Cadmium orange (hue) ○ 588 Vermilion (hue) ○ 503 Cadmium red hue ○ 563 Rose madder (hue) ○ 515 Alizarin crimson ○ 433 Purple ○ 135 Prussian blue ○ 123 Ultramarine ○ 110 Cobalt blue (hue) ○ 112 Cerulean (hue) ○ 355 Leaf green ○ 375 Sap green ○ 352 Hooker's green ○ 382 Viridian (hue) ○ 663 Yellow ochre ○ 527 Light red ○ 221 Burnt Sienna ○ 223 Burnt umber ○ 065 Payne's grey ○ 034 Ivory black.

Price per set.

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