Crystal Epoxy Resin EC141

Crystal Epoxy Resin EC141 is a colourless and completely transparent two-component resin that is perfect for casting transparent objects and making jewellery etc. This resin is also suitable for moulding larger objects. More
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Code 62049 
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1 kg: £ 70.60
£ 52.95

Code 62052 
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1 kg: £ 52.90
£ 79.35

Code 62053 
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1 kg: £ 42.03
£ 315.20

Crystal Epoxy Resin EC141 is a colourless and completely transparent two-component resin that is perfect for casting transparent objects and making jewellery etc. This resin is also suitable for moulding larger objects thanks to its long hardening time.

Crystal Epoxy Resin EC141 sets in 6 to 7 hours at 20°C. The maximum thickness is 1cm.

Dosage: 50g catalyst to 100g hardener. Stir well before use. Pour slowly into the mould to avoid air bubbles. Can be removed from the mould after 12-24 hours.

Price per pot.

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