Blockx Watercolour Pan Sets

Blockx Watercolour Pan Sets contain artist colours of the highest quality. They offer high luminosity and brilliant colours and are presented in robust metal tins with mixing wells. More
RRP £ 82.17
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Code 52452 
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12 half pans
RRP £ 82.17
£ 69.00

Code 32398 
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24 half pans
RRP £ 136.75
£ 129.00

Blockx Watercolour Pan Sets contain artist colours of the highest quality. They offer high luminosity and brilliant colours and are presented in robust metal tins with mixing wells.

The binders used are made from the best traditional ingredients, and the addition of honey and gum arabic makes Blockx Watercolours particularly smooth. They contain only lightfast pigments of 7 to 9 on the wool scale.

The middle section of each paintbox offers space for additional pans or brushes, travel brushes etc making these Blockx Watercolour Pan Sets ideal for travelling or painting outdoors.

The following Blockx Watercolour Pan Sets are available:

  • 52452 = 12 pans in 212 Blockx yellow, 317 Indian yellow, 327 Blockx red, 332 magenta, 253 ultramarine deep, 452 cobalt blue, 152 primary blue, 163 Blockx green, 111 yellow ochre, 141 light burnt Sienna, 148 burnt umber, 171 ivory black
  • 32398 = 24 pans in the colours above, plus: 112 Naples yellow, 313 primary yellow, 218 permanent orange, 220 Pyrrolo vermilion, 322 madder pink light, 328 crimson lake, 234 ultramarine violet, 453 cerulean grey, 261 fiery chromeoxide green, 365 olive green, 121 Venetian red, 175 Paynes grey
  • 32399 = 36 x 1/2 pans, in: 316 nickel titanium yellow, 314 lemon yellow, 311 cadmium yellow lemon, 114 Naples yellow reddish, 216 rubber yellow, 321 cadmium red orange, 329 quinacridone magenta, 235 manganese violet, 154 Blockx blue, 255 indanthrene blue, 256 indigo, 463 turquoise green, 361 sap green, 165 phthalo green, 164 Hooker's green, 213 transparent Mars yellow, 224 transparent Mars red, 144 sepia, 177 neutral tint, 313 primary yellow, 220 pyrrolo vermilion, 327 Blockx red, 328 carmesine lacquer, 332 magenta, 234 ultramarine violet, 453 cerulean grey, 452 cobalt blue, 152 primary blue, 261 fiery chromeoxide green, 163 Blockx green, 365 olive green, 111 yellow ochre, 141 burnt Sienna light, 121 Venetian red, 175 Paynes grey, 171 ivory black
  • 32400 = 48 pans in the colours of the 24 pan set, plus: 184 zinc white, 186 titanium white, 314 lemon yellow, 311 cadmium yellow lemon, 315 cadmium yellow medium, 312 cadmium orange, 425 Pyrrolo red, 323 cadmium red, 329 quinacridone magenta, 235 manganese violet, 233 mauve, 154 Blockx blue, 255 indanthrene blue, 252 Prussian blue, 456 turquoise blue, 463 turquoise green, 165 phthalo green, 361 sap green, 363 gold green, 213 transparent Mars yellow, 224 transparent Mars red, 242 transparent Mars brown, 144 sepia, 142 Van Dyck brown

Price per set.

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