30° Retractable Aluminium Knife & Blades

This 30° Retractable Aluminium Knife has a push button locking operation. It is a precison tool perfect for assembly work, retouching and cutting paper, film, foil and thin card. More
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Code 21292 
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£ 8.35

Code 21294 
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Spare blades
£ 5.55

This 30° Retractable Aluminium Knife has a push button locking operation. It is a precison tool perfect for assembly work, retouching and cutting paper, film, foil and thin card.

The shaft of this 30° Retractable Aluminium Knife is made of black anodized aluminimum. The blade is made of high quality stainless steel.

Spare blades for the 30° Retractable Aluminium Knife are sold separately - see item code 21294.

Price per unit.

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